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Gradient in web resource website


Gradient in web

Gradients are new color in Design. This is said by Gal shir in one of his medium post. Actually I really like Gradietns in Design. They are cool. This is why I have decided to collect great websites using cool gradients. This is a side project that I really enjoyed making

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Portfolio inspirations


Portfolio inspirations

When it comes to the fact to design a portfolio website you have to do it perfectly. To do this work perfectly you need inspiration. You have to see how best designers are presenting their works. This is why this project is for.This project is helping me to get inspired for portfolio website design.

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Personal articles resource


Personal articles resource

This project is a project that I have started to solve a little problem of mine. Basically there are a lot of design and development articles. Bookmark is not a good solution for me. That is I started this project so that i can collect great Design and Development articles and store them here.

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Css flexbox layouts


Css flexbox layouts

Css flexbox is a super cool css property. It helps us making css layouts easily. This is why I have made this project. So that I can use this later as a refference. Also beginners can learn about how to make css layouts using flexbox digging into the code.

We’re back for the month of June with a brand new set of CEOs, thought leaders, and policy experts who are all creating compelling content & sharing opinions about the financial world on Twitter.

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Pen store website


Pen-store - Code examples from codepen

Codepen is a great tool that Developers use to write Front-end code online. In Front-end Development workflow we code everything from scratch. This is time comsumming. This is a resource I am making to collect all the code examples from codepen that can be used in Front-end development without much customization.

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